3rd October 2019

Company dinner for Technoform

Company dinner

Customer Request

Technoform contacted Smart Eventi to organize an event in conclusion of the sector fair - VITRUM 2019 which took place in Rho Fiera Milano.

Smart Eventi proposal

We organized a standing buffet dinner in conclusion of the week dedicated to the glass sector fair- VITRUM 2019.

Our client Technoform had almost 80 guests, therefore we proposed a wide location situated in Isola district, with a rooftop terrace which offers a breathtaking view on Milano's skyline.

Technoform projects, produces and installs the building' glass windows, they also made the ones of the building inside which we organised the event and a lot of the ones which are actually in construction in Isola/Gae Aulenti district.

The guests have been welcomed with a passing-by aperitif accompanied by a welcome drink, followed by a standing buffet dinner.

The event was accompanied by a live band which animated the evening and it concluded with an open bar cocktail.


The location had a great success among the guests, who have been mainly impressed by the amazing colors of the sunset which they admired from the rooftop.


Company dinner


Scouting location


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