6th october 2021

Set-up stand for the fair for Mazzaroppi

fair stand staging

Customer Request

Mazzaroppi Engineering, azienda che opera nel settore della progettazione e produzione di macchinari per la lavorazione del vetro, ha contattato Smart Eventi per la realizzazione di un progetto di comunicazione in preparazione, durante e dopo una fiera. Smart Eventi ha progettato e allestito lo stand del cliente affinchè mettesse in evidenza i suoi valori: innovazione, made in Italy, risparmio energetico e facilità di utilizzo.  

Smart Eventi proposal

Smart Eventi has created a communication project for setting up a stand during the Vitrum fair. Smart Eventi designed the brand and all the graphics relating to the corporate communication, all the activities with the purpose to make a visit to the Mazzaroppi stand a pleasant experience. 


The stand was one of the most visited at the fair, gathering our great satisfaction and that of the customer. In fact, Vitrum was the culmination of a brand repositioning project starting from rebranding, passing through online webinars and funnels that have brought excellent results in terms of contacts and prospects very interested in becoming new customers.


fair stand staging


Vitrum Fair 2021

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