23th may 2022

Tricobitos and the results on the hair

product launch

Customer's Request

Organize a press day with live show to introduce the new hair product line

We were contacted by the Tuscan company Tricobiotos for the organization of the presentation of a new product to its agents.

The idea was to arrange a meeting where Tricobiotos could show the new line of hair coloring products, created by the commercial partner of the Israeli brand Maroccanoil, displaying the effect obtained through the testimony of 4 models to which it was applied the product the day before.

We were therefore asked to identify a space with a scenographic/visual impact where they could make the demonstration.


Smart Eventi proposal

A bright and spacious location with a refined design

Thinking about the need to have lots of light during the event to emphasize the shades of color, we have proposed a space with a refined design suitable for meetings and business meetings in the Isola district of Milan.

For the 40 guests who lost part in the event, we organized the welcome coffee and a buffet on the terrace of the location, allowing tasting the food and wine proposal of our catering while also enjoying the view.

Results Achieved

Customer retention and follow-up event arrangements

Refinement and attention to detail, especially in the choice and organization of the location, are the elements that have found greater appreciation. Particularly appreciated was the terrace that allowed guests to experience the event to the fullest in the spring context. The customer was satisfied and thanked us for the work done. He guaranteed us to replicate the collaboration for the event scheduled for next winter.


product launch


scouting location



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