Digital event on Hypersmarte platform
Presentation of the training offer
Customer Request
The customer's request was to present NABA's training offer in an original and engaging way, in a digital open day, to be attended remotely, and giving to the final user a virtual experience of the visit.
Smart Eventi proposal
Smart Eventi has achieved what was requested, creating a real captivating and unconventional Digital Event.
Hypersmarter, which combines the experience of organizing events from our agency with the functionality of the digital platform, has made it possible to perfectly manage Naba's Digital Open Day in all its aspects
Results Achieved
The customer was very satisfied with the organization of the contents on the platform and the aspect that made navigation pleasant and clear, to the point of making it the supporting tool for in-person open days by completing them with online sessions. Since December, the same environment has been used, asking us to update it with new graphics and content.
The platform, a guarantee of success, which has brought several benefits to the client in terms of outreach and participation, visible already in the openday organized on March 19th, 2022.
In the positive wake of the increase in the number of registrants and the good success of digital events found especially among the younger generation, we continue our collaboration with Naba for the realization of its well-established, digital open days. Last July 2022 we organized the last one, updating the platform and content, improving the graphics and making everything even smarter and easier to use.
Naba is a contact we had through our green education project Geco for school, from which a relationship with L'istituto was born and a strong interest in future opportunities and developments.