16th July 2023

Pulling out all the stoppers for a grand corporate event

Creative concept, graphics, location scouting, audio service, video and lighting technical service, event direction, catering, motivational speaker, entertainment.

The client request

Corporate event

SIGMA sought support to plan a corporate event for their branch management. They asked to support them throughout the organisation of the whole event, with attention to every fine detail— from deciding upon an ideal venue to hiring dynamic entertainment, accompanied by creative graphic elements to boost interest and engagement.

The Smart Eventi proposal

A triumph of innovetion and creativity

Sigma's grand corporative event was a kaleidoscope of innovation and creativity, perfectly designed to captivate an audience of seasoned professionals. We constructed a mesmerizing array of experiences, with Guru Marketing’s eye-catching visual designs adding the finishing touches to a perfectly scheduled day. We set the tone with a welcome coffee in the stunning venue we had chosen - a magnificent castle near Milan. After an inspiring conference, attendees were treated to a delicious aperitivo, engaging entertainment with a famous Italian comedian, a sophisticated dinner, and an after-dinner party with live dancers and open bar.

Achived results

Exceeded every expectation of our client

We met and exceeded every expectation our client had on this event. They wanted grandeur, luxury, and seamless efficiency, and we delivered it all. All attendees had a fantastic time and the client was entirely satisfied with our work. The event can be considered a success on all counts.

The event was a success, everything worked out perfectly and we received enthusiastic praise from our attendees. I enjoyed working with the Smart Eventi team because of their efficient organisation, attention to detail and above all for the amazing event concept they created.


Creative concept, graphics, location scouting, audio service, video and lighting technical service, event direction, catering, motivational speaker, entertainment.


Planning a grand corporate event for branch managers

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