Valorization of the territory for Unpli Lombardia
Valorization of the territory
Customer Request
Promote the Lombard territory
UNPLI Lombardia, an association that gathers the more than 800 Pro Loco present in the Lombard territory, contacted us to promote the Lombard territory washed by the Mincio river. Very rich in attractions but equally unknown to the general tourist public.
Smart Eventi proposal
A unique touristic offert
In the project that we proposed and conquered the association, we placed the emphasis on the unique characteristics of the territory: food and wine and biodiversity with rice that is king, uncontaminated territories and breathtaking landscapes, navigation on the river and its historical roots.
We therefore conceived and designed a tourist offer that combined all these aspects and promoted them, starting with the assignment of a name and format: "Il Mincio un fiume di emozioni. Riso, Storie e turismo"
We then took care of all the communication with the creation of logo, graphics, promotional video, website. We have also designed specific tours to offer to visitors: food and wine tour, journey through traditional location, romantic weekend and many more!
Last but not least, we promoted the project within GECO EXPO, the virtual fair that was held from 28 to 30 January 2021 on sustainability linked to experiential tourism, green mobility and energy.
Participation in the virtual fair
The customer was very satisfied with the project and the following it obtained in terms of new visitors, especially after the participation in the virtual fair.