Design and promotion of the Pleasantville festival event
Pleasantville festival management
The customer request
Organizing the Pleasantville Festival at the North Milan Park
We cured the overall management of this Pleasantville festival, which happened in the first three days of September. It was located at Parco Nord (Sesto San Giovanni) and permitted thousands of tourists to travel back in time, directly in the 50's.
The Smart Eventi proposal
Vintage village setup with rehearsal stations to engage the public
By gathering local and national sponsors we registred 25.000 presences in just two days.
We set up a vintage village to let them live two days of entertainment to the sound of swing. Inside of this village we situated a make up location, theme clothing, tattoo, hair stylist, hobbists and an amazing exposition of aged cars. Besides the various stagings, we collocated on different corners designated positions where they could select and consume exquisite food, cooked at the moment by the event's chef.
To involve majorly the public in ths '50 immersion we chose activities like elegant pic nic with plaid and baskets, we set up a circus school for the children and a dance camp of swing with dance teachers for the less experts. For the last evening we chose the reproduction of a movie at the "open" cinema under the stars, ending this way their amazing experience in those years.
Achieved results
Organizing a successful festival
In addition to a very high attendance, all the activities offered and organized were a great success for the public and satisfaction for the customer.